254. To Love And Not Be Lost

Published on 5 February 2018 at 20:46

Sweetly, and delicately, 

my heart skipped a single beat.

It played an alluring melody

that led me into your tired arms,

where we slept for countless days,

dreaming of the life we hoped for;

hoping that of all it was real.

And I wanted us to feel everything;

the pain, the happiness, the love.

Like two turtle doves, we flew away

and forgot the name of the place

where we first met in that memory,

the dream we never woke up from.

So peaceful, and calm, we sat there,

lying on top of the frozen teardrops

that we had made from our own tears.

We knew that spring would melt them away,

but we’d still have it all for one more day.

The memories, trickling from our eyelids,

frozen in time, like our very first kiss,

I could never forget all of this.

Beautifly, and sincerely, I felt your heart,

it was beating inside my chest; always.

And each night, we fell like shooting stars

inside a dream; a memory out of reach.

We clashed often, but our love burned brighter.

Our hearts soared through the night sky,

and we flew around the planets, higher and higher.

We saw worlds that we never knew were there,

and so we thought we could go anywhere.

Just because we let our hearts fly,

the memories would never burn out.

Like a moth drawn to a flame,

I was drawn to you, hoping you’d stay.

And the day you told me that you would

was the day that my heart came alive.

No longer a distant dream; a mere memory,

it was as real as anything in this life.

So, all we can do now is believe, and trust.

All we can ever do is love, and not be lost.

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