178. Of Your Wildest Dreams

Published on 14 November 2016 at 14:04

One word comes before the next,

in which word after word follows the rest.

Then comes more words that form a sentence,

A story they tell, from present to past tense.

Sometimes they make sense, or they may not.

Word after word, it’s whatever you got.

A chain of events, from the first to the last.

But the bottom line is, you’ll have a blast! 

And I can’t tell you which adventure you might read,

but just pretend you are on a journey out to sea.

The adventure begins when you let go

of all the things that ever made you lose hope.

Because adventure is something one may find,

whether awake or asleep, just use your mind!

And I might tell you to look to the sky,

but just remember that the Sun shines bright.

Though the adventure never, ever ends,

not until all things are done, and last words are said.

So, in a sense, a story that’s told remains alive;

on and on it goes, even after the teller dies.

And as does the adventurer, you see,

for it will be one of your wildest dreams.

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